In this special episode, BIO’s former president and one of the organization’s founders, talks about the history of BIO and its influence. In 2019 McGrath Morris received the BIO Award, […]
This week we interview celebrated author Hampton Sides. His latest book, The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook, was published by Doubleday in […]
On January 20, 2024, join award-winning biographers James McGrath Morris, Janice P. Nimura, and Ray A. Shepard for an online forum on the craft of biography. And don’t miss Kai […]
This week we offer the next episode in a special mini-series featuring highlights from panel discussions conducted during BIO’s first virtual annual conference, held May 14-16, 2021. The session, The […]
This week’s episode features highlights of a panel from the 2019 BIO Conference, “Fact and Speculation,” with moderator James McGrath Morris and panelists Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, Michael Hainey, and Stacy […]
Morgan Voeltz Swanson won the Biography Fellowship awarded annually at the Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference, held in July at the University of North Texas. The fellowship is cosponsored by BIO […]
This week’s episode pays tribute to author and BIO co-founder James McGrath Morris. At BIO’s 10th annual conference in New York City, Morris accepted BIO’s Biographers Award with an inspiring address […]
Here are some highlights from the 2019 BIO Conference, held in New York City on May 17-19. You can see the morning plenary with David Remnick, Stacy Schiff, and Judith […]