Call for 2025 BIO Conference Proposals

The 2025 BIO Conference is tentatively scheduled for June 5–6, in Washington, D.C. The Program Committee co-chairs, Natalie Dykstra and Linda Leavell, invite BIO members to submit proposals. The Program Committee will review these proposals for possible inclusion in the 2025 program. The Committee seeks panels that address the concerns of beginning biographers (basics), the craft of biography (craft), issues of interest to a broad range of biographers (issues and innovations), and topics related to Washington, D.C. Our tentative theme is “Potomac Fever.” Please refer to the programs of past conferences for guidance.

To propose a panel, send an email here with “BIO Conference Proposal” in the subject line and your last name in the file name of any attachment. The proposal shall include:

  • A title
  • Your name and contact information
  • A description of the panel (about 100–150 words)
  • If possible, a list of potential panelists and a moderator. Panelists should be published biographers or other experts on the topic, and together they should represent a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds. It is not necessary to obtain commitments from them before submitting the proposal.

There is no guarantee of acceptance of any proposal, and accepted proposals are subject to modification by the Program Committee to create a balanced conference. The committee will notify authors of proposals no later than December 1.

Application deadline:  August 30, 2024.

If you have questions, please direct them here.