
Welcome! Each week, we post fascinating discussions with biographers from around the country and the world.

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If you are a member of BIO and would like to talk about your recently released biography, please contact: lisa@lisanapoli.com

Podcast Episode #28 – James Altas

Honoring The Life Of an Acclaimed Biographer James Atlas March 22,1949-September 4, 2019 In this week’s episode, we interview James Atlas, author of The Shadow in the Garden: A Biographer’s […]

Why and How Biographers Write: An Interview with James Atlas

James Atlas’s The Shadow in the Garden: A Biographer’s Tale was published to high praise by Pantheon Books on August 22. As Ron Chernow wrote about the book, “Anyone even remotely interested […]

Atlas Explores Biography and a Biographer’s Life—His Own

Studying the craft of biography and the biographers who have shaped it, writing biographies, editing and publishing the works of other biographers: In a career that has spanned almost 40 […]